Presentation for Generations of Faith - January 27, 2016
For those who have an abortion on their conscience, please remember this is the Year of Mercy. As a priest I desire to extend God's mercy and healing to any person involved in taking the life of an unborn child.
Every abortion is a tragedy. It involves the death of a child and a wound to the mother. Let's pray for a society that protects all children and where the killing of a child is unthinkable - whether born or unborn.
Most people do not realize how much our laws contrast with other Western countries. We allow abortion on demand for all nine months while England, Scotland and Wales require the concurrence of "two registered medical practitioners" and that "the pregnancy has not exceeded its twenty-fourth week." Germany requires "mandatory counseling which must take place at a state-approved center" and a "waiting period of three days." According to most recent statistics, in Germany the rate of abortion to 1000 live births is 72. In our country it is 210.
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