The Gestapo gave them thirty minutes to gather clothes and three days food. Edith was calm, but Rosa was high strung. One of the Carmelite Sisters heard Edith say, "Komm, Rosa, wir gehen für unser Volk!" Come, Rosa, we are going for our people. After the bureaucratic formalities, they put the two sisters on a cattle train to the Auschwitz death camp. Fr. Bob Barron narrates how at a stop someone recognized Sister Teresa. She said, "We are going to the east." On August 9, 1942, Edith, her sister, Rosa, and about 100 other Jewish Catholics from Holland were murdered with poisonous gas. Their ashes are buried in a mass grave.
El Gestapo les dio treinta minutos para juntar ropa y comida para tres dias. Edith estaba tranquila, pero Rosa agitada. Una de las hermanas carmelitas escucho a Edith Stein decir, "Komm, wir gehen für unser Volk!" Ven, Rosa. Vamos para nuestro pueblo. Despues de formalidades burocraticas, fueron puestas en un tren para Auschwitz. El Padre Roberto Barron narra como en una parada alguien reconocio a la Hermana Teresa. Dijo, "Vamos al Este." El 9 de agosto de 1942, Edith, su hermana, Rosa y unos cien otros judios catolicos de Holandia fueron matados. Sus cenizas estan sepultadas en un entierro comun. (Homilia para Domingo XXX, 26 de octubre de 2014)
On October 19, 1984 Fr. Jerzy and his driver were returning from a Mass when a car overtook them. They made them get out, handcuffed the driver and shoved him into their car. Fr. Jerzy they struck with bats until he fainted. Then they stuffed his body in the trunk. As they drove away, Fr. Jerzy's driver managed to open the door and roll out. He ran for help, alerting people of the kidnapping. The people of Poland held Masses and vigils praying for Fr. Jerzy's return. Ten days later his body surfaced in the Vistula Water Reservoir. More than a quarter of a million people attended his funeral. In 2010, Cardinal Angelo Amato celebrated his beatification in Warsaw. What lesson can we draw from Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko? (October 19, 2014 - Twenty-Ninth Ordinary Sunday, Year A)
El 19 de octubre de 1984, el Padre Jerzy y su chofer volvieron de una misa cuando un carro los paro. Los hicieron salir, pusieron esposas en las manos del chofer y empezaba a golpear al Padre Jerzy hasta desmayarse. Cuando salieron, el chofer del Padre Jerzy abrio una puerta y huyo para advirtir a la gente del sequestro. La gente de Polonia ofrecieron misas y vigilias rezando por el retorno del Padre Jerzy. Despues de diez dias descubrieron su cuerpo en el embalse de la ciudad. Unos trescientos mil asistieron a su funeral. En 2010 el Cardenal Angelo Amato celebro su beatificacion en Varsovia. Que leccion podemos tomar del Beato Jerzy Popieluszko? (19 de octubre de 2014; Domingo XXIX del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo A)
When PBS did a documentary of Pope John Paul, they stressed his defense of human dignity in the face of Nazism, Communism - and Western secularism. But the central thing that PBS focused on was how the pope called modern man to faith. Even people who had no explicit religious belief said that the pope's message challenged them. He witnessed to something we are called to in the depth of our being - to trust no matter what.
Cuando PBS hizo un documental sobre el Papa Juan Pablo, dieron enfasis sobre su defensa de la dignidad humana ante el nazismo, comunismo y luego el materialismo del oeste. Pero PBS enfoco en como el papa llamo al hombre moderno a la fe. Aun los que no tienen creencia religiosa dijeron que el mensaje del papa los reto. Dio testimonio a lo profundo de nuestro ser - el llamado de confiar sin titubear.
The big story is how the English peoples moved from paganism to Christianity. In one chapter Bede tells how a local king named Edwin became Christian. Gathered in a mead hall (a large building with a single room) with his soldiers and nobles, King Edwin listened to accounts of the new religion. As the log fire burned, a sparrow entered one side and quickly flew out the other side. Bede recounts how one councilor reflected that our life is like the flight of that sparrow.** We do not know its origin nor do we know where it goes as it disappears into the darkness. That reflection helped Edwin not only to embrace Christ, but to become a model king. Bede gives this summary of his reign... (October 5, 2014, Twenty-seventh Ordinary Sunday, Year A)
Beda dice que Jesus miro a Mateo con misericordia y lo llamo. El Papa Francisco tomo esas palabras para su escudo. En el latin original de Beda: "Miserando atque Eligendo." Esas palabras resumen el mensaje del Papa Francisco: Misericordia y Eleccion. Misericordia y eleccion tambien describen la vida de San Beda. Por sobrevivir la plaga reconocio que Dios lo habia separado para una mision. La proxima semana les contare de un joven que, en medio de una perdida terribe, escucho la llamada de Dios. Es un hombre de nuestros dias. Algunos lo llaman "El Hombre del Siglo." Pero lo que es mas importante de el es su confianza en Dios sin titubear. Eso sera para la proxima semana...(5 de octubre de 2014; Domingo XXVII del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo A)
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