Last Sunday I told you that I would introduce you to a woman who models all have learned about the light of faith:
What faith is: to turn from idols to the living God in a personal encounter That we are saved by faith That faith is inclusive, reasonable and makes forgiveness possible Some of you asked who this remarkable woman is - and some even guessed that she is Sister Barbara! El domingo pasado les dije que iba a presentarles una mujer que modela todo lo que hemos aprendido sobre la fe:
La definicion de fe - romper con idolos y volver al Dios vivo en un encuentro personal Que somos salvados por fe Que la fe es inclusiva, razonable y hace posible el perdon Algunos me preguntaban quien es esta mujer extraordinaria - y algunos adivinaron que es la Hermana Barbara! This Sunday we come to the most difficult part - at least for us today: the relationship between faith and truth. As Pope Francis says, "Faith without truth does not save, it does not provide a sure footing."* We want more than comfort. We want more than a feel-good faith. We want to know the truth...Pope Francis observes: "In contemporary culture, we often tend to consider the only real truth to be that of technology: truth is what we succeed in building and measuring by our scientific know-how, truth is what works and what makes life easier and more comfortable."
Homily for Second Sunday of Advent (Dec 8) with a bonus: Presentation by Curtis Paramore on Catholic Community Service plus music & Mass.
Last week we saw why it's important to see that faith is a light. As Pope Francis pointed out, "once the flame of faith dies out, all other lights begin to dim." Pope Francis addresses a difficulty: Many today identify faith with exclusion, fanaticism and even violence. Those things are possible, but they are perversions of faith. True faith is always inclusive.... Homilia para el Segundo Domingo de Adviento (8 de diciembre) con yapa - presentacion sobre CCS por Sofia Latino y musica del coro para la misa.
Mensaje: Es importante ver que fe es una luz. Como el Papa Franciso dice, "es urgente recuperar el carácter luminoso propio de la fe, pues cuando su llama se apaga, todas las otras luces acaban languideciendo." Pues, se que muchos no lo ven asi. Identifican la fe con exclusion, fanaticismo y aun violencia. Esas cosas son posibles, pero son perversiones de la fe. La fe verdadera es siempre inclusiva. Homily for Second Sunday of Advent (Dec 8) with a bonus: Presentation by Curtis Paramore on Catholic Community Service plus music & Mass.
Last week we saw why it's important to see that faith is a light. As Pope Francis pointed out, "once the flame of faith dies out, all other lights begin to dim." Pope Francis addresses a difficulty: Many today identify faith with exclusion, fanaticism and even violence. Those things are possible, but they are perversions of faith. True faith is always inclusive.... Homilia para el Segundo Domingo de Adviento (8 de diciembre) con yapa - presentacion sobre CCS por Sofia Latino y musica del coro para la misa.
Mensaje: Es importante ver que fe es una luz. Como el Papa Franciso dice, "es urgente recuperar el carácter luminoso propio de la fe, pues cuando su llama se apaga, todas las otras luces acaban languideciendo." Pues, se que muchos no lo ven asi. Identifican la fe con exclusion, fanaticismo y aun violencia. Esas cosas son posibles, pero son perversiones de la fe. La fe verdadera es siempre inclusiva. In today's Gospel we see pairs: two men in the field, two women grinding wheat - outwardly the same, but inwardly very different. One is taken, the other left. What is the difference?
It comes down to faith. You have heard the phrase, "saved by faith." Pope Francis says that faith is... |
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