![]() A Jewish child was separated from her parents when the Nazis took over Poland. Little Edith was sent to a work camp at Czestochowa. She somehow survived until the Germans began to retreat from Poland in January of 1945. Still wearing his prison uniform, she made her made her way to a town near Krakow. Emaciated and cold, she huddled in a corner. A young man, wearing a black robe, approached her...
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Una nina judia fue separada de sus papas cuando los nazis se apoderaron de Polonia. Le pequena Edith fue enviado a un campamento de trabajo de Czestochowa. Increiblemente sobrevivio hasta la retirada de los alemanes de polonia en enero de 1945.
Rick Warren seemed to be on top of the world, but last year he faced a terrible tragedy, the worst thing that can happen to any parent - his child committed suicide.
Esto es mi enfoque hoy - y durante la temporada de Pascua: esperanza. Fui inspirado por un hombre llamado Rick Warren. El escribio el libro Vida con Proposito que ha vendido sesenta millones de copias y ha sido traducido en mas idiomas que cualquier otro libro - con la excepcion de la Biblia. Rick Warren parecia en cima del mundo, pero el anyo pasado enfrento una tragedia terrible, la peor cosa que puede suceder a un papa - su hijo cometio suicidio.
Easter comes after six weeks of preparation called Lent. During Lent I gave a series of homilies on prayer and spiritual combat. Last week we saw the purpose or goal of prayer: Union with Jesus. St. Paul writes, "If we have grown into union with him through a death like his, we shall also be united with him in the resurrection."
Of Fr. Damien's final days, Fr. Wendelin has left us a record. He writes, "Fr. Damien prepared himself for death...he seemed to be happy. I heard his general confession and then made my own confession." The next day Fr. Damien received the Eucharist as Viaticum - food for the journey. He said to Fr. Wendelin, "Do you see my hands? All my wounds are closing and the crust is turning black. It's a sign of death, as you well know. Look at my eyes too; I have seen so many dying lepers that I cannot be mistaken."
El proximo dia el Padre Damiano recibio la Eucaristia como Viatico - comida para el viaje. Le dijo al Padre Wendelin, "Ves mis manos? Todas mis heridas estan cerrando y la piel ya esta de color negro. Es un signo de muerte, como tu sabes bien. Mira a mis ojos tambien; he visto mucho leprosos muriendo que no puedo ser equivocado."
In our parish we will expand our Eucharistic Adoration. Besides having our church open during the day hours and on First Friday for all-night Adoration, we will have exposition after the Saturday evening Mass until 8 am
I promised that on Palm Sunday I would state the purpose of prayer. Why pray? What's the ultimate goal of prayer? I can answer by recounting a conversation: Once someone asked a man if he had a "personal relationship with Jesus>" The man replied, "I don't want a personal relationship with Jesus. I want a personal relationship with Mary. With St. John and with the saints in heaven and on earth, I want a relationship. But with Jesus....
Les prometi que en el Domingo de Ramos iba a decir el proposito de oracion. Por que rezar? Cual es la finalidad de oracion? Puedo responder con una conversacion: Una vez alguien le pregunto a hombre si tenia una "relacion personal con Jesus." El hombre respondio, "No quiero una relacion personal con Jesus. Quiero una relacion personal con Santa Maria. Con San Juan y los santos en el cielo y en la tierra quiero una relacion personal. Pero con Jesus...
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